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Already Within (124059)


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A collection of reflections from author, speaker, retreat leader and long-term Tablet (UK) magazine contributor, Fr Daniel O’Leary. Considered to be some of O’Leary’s best literary work, Already Within sums up many of the key thrusts of his ministry over many years: realising the presence of God in the ordinary moments of our lives.

The reflections are challenging, compelling, thought-provoking, consoling, prophetic and prayerful, and reaffirm the compassionate presence of an incarnate and unconditionally-loving God at the heart of all our experiences. 

These reflections are sure to be lingered over, mulled over, and returned to again and again. They are drawn from the seasons of the year, the seasons of the liturgical cycle, and the seasons of our hearts. They empower us to see the treasures of joy and courage already within us, to divine the springs of light and love hidden in all that happens to us – even in the most painful experiences. They fill us with hope. They tug at our hearts and make us cry. They remind us of a precious wisdom that we carry deep within us – but have almost forgotten. They restore our beauty. They give us permission to believe in ourselves, to be ourselves. In that sense, they save us.

It is impossible to read this book without being transformed by it.


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