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The Leaven of the Saints (143241)


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“The kingdom of Heaven is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened.” – Matthew 13:33

How can we be sure that the “leaven”―or teaching―in our hearts is the kind of leaven that draws us and those around us closer to God, not the wrong kind that Our Lord warned us to avoid (Luke 12:1)? How can we be certain that we’re on the narrow path that leads to Heaven, not the wide path that leads to perdition (Matt. 7:13)? How can we learn to distinguish God’s voice from the confused messages and false ideologies in our world today?

One clear way is through the lives and witness of the saints. Thousands of holy Catholics have been declared saints by the Church over the past two millennia, and every has earned that title by loving and imitating Christ in their daily lives. As our friends and intercessors in Heaven, the saints can help us understand our vocations, grow in virtue, and live holy lives.

This book helps you see “the big picture” of holiness. Unlike many other books about saints, which provide biographies of saints or merely features the highlights from their lives, this book helps you learn the lessons of the saints through their unique vocations.

The Leaven of the Saints shows you how holy people throughout history lived out their faith in vastly different vocations. It is also a resource book which includes tables, lists, images, and maps to help you grasp the patterns that these saintly examples teach us about the Church’s activity over time.


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